Have you ever fallen sleep really late at night and woken up late into the next day, but for some reason still felt like crap (and it wasn't a hangover? ;) That has to do with the time in the cycle which you fell out.
Here is the natural daily cycle that our bodies follow:
6:00am - 10:00am
If we are asleep during this time frame, it will be more difficult for us to get up and we will have the feeling of fatigue and exhaustion rather than rest.
10:00a - 2:00p
The best time for eating, this is usually when an appetite for tasty and satisfying food.
2:00pm - 6:00pm
Period for enhanced work activity with a light afternoon meal.
6:00pm - 10:00pm
The best time for relaxing and interesting activities.
10:00pm - 2:00am
The deepest and most refreshing sleep occurs during this time frame. If we are up and about during this time, we get hungry (i.e. late night snack!). If that happens, your morning will probably be difficult and you'll feel sleepy without feeling refreshed (sound familiar?).
2:00am - 6:00am
The best time for doing exercise, studying, or any mental work. If you manage to get up at 5:00am and spend some time focusing on your goals, working out your day, or just some "me" time, you'll have energy which will last you for the rest of the day!
So, I want you to try this. Just for one night try to pull this off. Most people work on an 8 hour sleep cycle, so tonight, I want you to fall on sleep at 9:30pm. Literally get yourself into bed under the covers at 9:30pm! I know it's going to seem crazy because it's so early, but try it. If you aren't sleepy at all, then open a book and start reading it - DO NOT turn on the TV! That is super important , DO NOT TURN ON THE TV (I'll tell you why in another e-zine), instead read and you'll start to doze off, ok? Before you fall asleep set your alarm clock for 5:30am. This will put you into the ideal time period for sleep, and when you wake up, you WILL feel fresh, rejuvenated and ready to ROCK! You'll probably also have a few more hours in the morning to get things done.
Ajay Mirwani was awarded America's Brightest Speaking Star in 2007. He shares secrets with colleges students about time management and leadership, as well businesses about internet marketing strategies and search optimization. To contact Ajay, visit http://www.ajayspeaks.com